Post 3: I am going to tell you about how can Chemistry make the world a better place

Hi everyone

I'm Nicolas and im studying Chemistry, i believe that chemistry has changed the world throughout its history, contributing to the evolution and quality of life of people. from raw materials that nature gives us, products are created that contribute to improve or make things easier for people.

things like cotton, silk, cleaning products, medicines, certain foods, gasoline, oil, etc. are products that go through a chemical process and have contributed to making the world a better place because they improve people's quality of life.

in the future we will need even more chemistry, to solve problems such as water scarcity, global warming or hunger, but I think that one of the objectives that we should have (and in which I could also participate from my position) is that people lose their fear of chemistry, because nowadays it is thought of as something bad and that affects our health when chemistry is in everything natural and everything we know.

